At the beginning of 2022, I had the opportunity to read an article published by Virginia Buechel, Marketing Director of Rockaway Recycling. This article mentioned the main frustrations encountered by a scrap buyer. I found it interesting how she prioritized the lack of clarity in the processes, as this factor is crucial when seeking continuous improvement or undergoing an audit process.

Lack of clarity is the most frustrating aspect
From the list shared by Buechel, the top frustration in the metal scrap market is the lack of clarity in its classification. What’s most concerning is that both buyers and sellers of scrap can experience this frustration. Improperly classified metal scrap can become a highly challenging issue as it directly impacts process integrity and the quality of the final product.
The first step to proper classification is recognizing that the supply of this scrap is not clean when it enters the manufacturers’ yard. These metals and alloys are often mixed with other materials in collection trucks. Cars are the primary source of steel scrap, followed by the purchase of structural steel from construction, appliances, reinforcing bars, and steel packaging.
Classifying these materials is not a simple task. It cannot be done based on colors and shapes alone. Many metal scrap sorting and management companies struggle to differentiate between various metals. However, metal scrap can be appropriately classified from the moment it enters, provided there is the necessary infrastructure to implement technology solutions that provide secure information about materials, volume, density, among others.
Bringing clarity from the entry process
So, with so many materials entering through manual processes and a lack of information integrity, how can you ensure you are paying the correct price for the material you requested? Can you certify that what you are selling to manufacturers is accurately identified? Can you do this in real-time?
Undoubtedly, these questions give rise to frustration for both scrap buyers and sellers involved in manufacturers’ recycling processes.
One solution that has been implemented to ensure the integrity of the incoming material is the use of portable XRF analyzers. These devices allow for precise and reliable material identification. When scanned, each element present in a sample produces a unique digital footprint for that specific element. Therefore, XRF spectroscopy is excellent for qualitative and quantitative analysis of material composition.
What if this could be connected to your systems automatically?
Integrating platforms that centralize all the information and provide an integrated process during an audit becomes a greater challenge. SCRAPYARD, Tecnoap’s latest release, allows you to visualize each scrap intake immediately, obtaining measurements of volume, density, and automatic classification, among others. Avoid costs that may arise if buyers reject or reduce the delivery of finished products in your warehouses. Schedule a demo today with one of our experts.